Company credentials and contact info
If you would like to work with us, please find our contact details below. Send us your request and we will send you a quotation immediately. Just fill in this contact form or send us an email.
JANTECH SK, s. r. o.
Šoltésova 1677/184
Považská Bystrica 017 01
ID: 54133432
Tax ID: 2121574664
VAT: SK2121574664
Registered in the Commercial Register of the District Court Trenčín,
Section: Sro, File No: 42584/R
Company Headquarters
Šoltésova 1677/184 Považská Bystrica 017 01
Get a pricing quote
How does it work?
1. Get a price quote
Fill out the quote form, tell us what you need, and we’ll send you the price quote.
2. We get to work
Upon your approval of the quote, and providing the necessary prerequisites such as blueprints, we start working on your order.
3. Your order is shipped
Within a few days your order is completed and is on its way to you!